A general practice law firm
Probate: If you have been named executor, administrator or personal representative of the estate of a deceased person, you may have many uncertainties about your responsibilities. You want experienced attorneys to help you understand your duties and responsibilities, and to help you take the right steps in order to settle the estate, including but not limited to:
Sale of Real Estate: assistance with all aspects of selling or transferring estate real estate; whether it is a sale through a Realtor or transfer to a beneficiary.
Will Contests: aggressive representation of executors or beneficiaries with an interest in an estate; handling all matters related to the litigation. We will handle allegations of undue influence, lack of capacity, duress, and fraud; we are also versed in asset valuation.
Disposition of Estate Assets: assist Administrators and Executors with delivering assets to beneficiaries to comply with New Jersey law and protect the client.
Intestacy: dying without a will creates many issues, including whom are the beneficiaries, whom can qualify to administer the estate and successful probate of the Estate.
Preparation of Estate Accounting: a precise accounting shows the assets of the Estate from the time of death to the point of distribution. A good accounting will answer all the questions of beneficiaries and thus facilitate the process of closing the estate. Once the accounting is approved by the beneficiaries then distribution takes place and the Estate is largely completed. A release is signed by each beneficiary which this document is then recorded with the County Surrogate.